PIQC Community Prepares for the PAASCU Self Survey

In preparation for the PAASCU self-survey, PIQC invited Ms Elizabeth R Peralejo to orient the community. Mrs Peralejo is presently a consultant of the Commission on Higher Education as Chairman of the Technical Committee for Library and Information Science. She was a Coordinator for the Educational Media Center at the Ateneo de Manila University for many years with of rank of Master Teacher, the highest rank that a teacher can have in the Ateneo Basic Education. The orientation was done at the 3rd day of the Faculty In Service Training that started on May 2. Officers of the Parents and Students Councils were also invited for the PAASCU orientation.


Mrs Peralejo talked on the importance and benefits of being an accredited PAASCU institution which means a school acquires a seal of approval from peers in the academic world. To gain approval by peers, the institution must possessed certain standard of quality or excellence. She also discussed the PAASCU standards and the process of going through to become a PAASCU accredited school.


Dr Cecilio K Pedro attended the orientation and encouraged the community to embrace change. He narrated how the Hapee toothpaste formulation changed when one of his technical people left and a new one was hired. He said that change is necessary to survive and to adapt to the times and for relevance. Change must be accepted in order that everybody can move forward.


The Principal, Marissa F Ayson, explained to the community that the changes she has brought to school were necessary to begin the journey to making PIQC an excellent school. She said that the Ateneo de Manila High School systems were used as bases for the changes done because the Ateneo systems are excellent. However, she assured everyone that PIQC will not lose its identity as a Filipino-Chinese school because the systems used are the basic requirements to become acceptable to PAASCU. She further said, “Since excellence is measured in relation to a standard, we have to ask an institution’s approval that we are on the right track. And that is the PAASCU’s job.”


The self-survey will be done during the incoming schoolyear. If the self-survey is acceptable, the PAASCU visit may be scheduled by January of 2019. The other option is a schedule by July 2019.


Since everyone is involved in the PAASCU process, Ms Ayson will present and explain the school’s vision-mission, strategies, goals, and objectives during the Parents’ Orientation on June 8. Everyone is encouraged to attend so that the entire process will be understood and acceptable by all.


Full text of the Principal’s welcome remarks is published here:


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