Pre-school Linggo ng Wika 2015
In our objective to familiarize the children to our National Language and at the same time spark the spirit of nationalism in them, the pre-school department celebrated Linggo ng Wika with a sense of …
In our objective to familiarize the children to our National Language and at the same time spark the spirit of nationalism in them, the pre-school department celebrated Linggo ng Wika with a sense of …
The Pre-school department ended the month of July with a blast as the teachers and pupils celebrated the Nutrition Day last July 31, 2015 The day kicked off with a film showing for each class where th…
為振興中華文化,進一步推廣中華傳統民俗藝術,7月4日至7月11日,台灣僑委會104年文化巡迴志工教師劉振興老師與羅先福老師蒞校進行書法與民俗藝術教學。 書法是一門藝術,而藝術是一門不分國界的語言。在書法課上,劉老師以容易入門的隸書教導鮮少揮毫的同學們,並以精湛的書法技藝向我校師生展現書法的美,使得同學們不僅學得津津有味,寫得聚精會神,而且深受劉老師精彩的書法技藝所吸引,在課後頻頻向劉老師討教。在民…
To prepare for the challenges set by the full implementation of the K to 12 curriculum this school year, teachers from both the English and Chinese departments of the school underwent a seminar worksh…
二〇一五年數學奧林匹克暑期培訓營自四月廿日起,至五月廿三日為止,來自大岷區各校的八百餘名數學精英接受了整整卅天的培訓,本校有幸在今年暑假期間支援MTG菲律濱數學教育研究會二○一五年數學奧林匹克暑期培訓營 ( 2015 Mathematical Olympiad Summer Training Program MOSTP ) 的培訓工作。 我校李淑慧校長應邀在五月廿三日的結業式上致詞。在致詞中,李校…
為迎接全面施行K-12的新學年,適應新形勢的需要,鞏固改制後的教學進展,李淑慧校長特地延請來自菲律濱國立大學的兩位知名專家Ms. Carina Clavio和Dr. Greg Pawilen於5月22、23日兩天開辦一個為期兩天的K-12課程設計工作營。 通過為期兩天的本次工作營,與會老師均感覺受益匪淺,大開眼界,對新學年的教學改革更加地期待了,並表示有信心實現K-12學制改革的目標,尤其在本次工…