During the month of October, we celebrate the birth of United Nations. United Nations has been around for 75 years and throughout those 75 years, the United Nations have created different and unique themes that emphasizes its goal which is to bring unity to all of us The chosen theme for this year’s United Nations was “International Year of Plant Health”.

Unfortunately, the pandemic that we are facing right now prevented us from celebrating the United Nations together at school. But as GIANTS, we stand strong and find different alternatives to celebrate the United Nations. Starting from October 19, 2020 until October 23, 2020, the PIQC community decided to conduct online activities during their synchronous session with their Araling Panlipunan(AP) teacher. The following are the given activities:
For grades 1-3, the activity given to them was #commUNitysong. The teachers in-charge were Mrs. Berma Abriol and Mrs. Norma Reyes. In this activity, students will interpret and analyze the song “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson. After that, the teachers will prepare 3 questions for the students to answer.
For grades 4-6, the activity given to them was #whatIF. The teachers in-charge were also Mrs. Berma Abriol and Mrs. Norma Reyes. In this activity, students will watch and analyze the video entitled “What Happens If You Cut Down All Of A City’s Trees?” by Ted-Ed. After that, the teachers will also prepare 3 questions for the students to answer.
For Grades 7-12, the activity given was #QuizzardsofUN. The teachers in-charge were Mr. Mark Allen Genegani and Mr. Mark Christian Fidelino. In this activity, students will participate in an online quiz bee using the app Kahoot. The questions given are connected to the theme. For Grades 7-9, the questions given were based on Hunger, Malnutrition, and Poverty. For grades 10-12, the questions given were based on Sustainable Development Goals: including SDG 1, SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 13, and SDG 15. The questions were separated into 3 levels with 5 questions each: easy, moderate, and hard. The winners of each section will be given plus points for their written work.
In addition to this, the Kabataang Pag-asa ng Bayan KPB-PIQC prepared some activities that the students can access using social media. The first activity was called Instagram Bingo, students or alumni of PIQC were invited to answer a bingo which involves crossing out activities that they’ve experienced during the past celebrations of United Nations. The second activity was called Profile Picture Blast, students and even the PIQC community were invited to use a specific picture frame created by KPB-PIQC and the PIQC Student Council. The third and final activity was an Online Trivia. Within the given week, the PIQC Student Council will be posting daily about a trivia related to the United Nations.
Overall, these activites were fun and exciting to do. Students can really learn more about the United Nations through their own gadgets. The activities given were connected to the theme given by the United Nations. For example, the activity #commUNitysong shows that we should protect the Earth. All the damages that we’ve done before should teach us a valuable lesson that “past is past and future is future”. What this means is everything that we’ve done before couldn’t be changed but from those mistakes we can work together to build a better future. The nature plays a huge role in the society today, many animals and even humans rely on nature for food and shelter. That is why we should take good care of the nature, because once it is gone it will forever be gone.
Kynan Co
10 – Responsibility